
Showing posts from January, 2019

Italian - English Translation Samples - Esempii della Traduzione Italiano - Inglese

Meteorite colpisce la Luna durante l'eclissi: l'impatto ripreso in streaming video Il flash è stato immortalato da almeno 3 telecamere diverse in Marocco, California e nel nordest degli Stati Uniti.  Un vero e proprio spettacolo nello spettacolo: un meteorite ha colpito la superficie Lunare durante l'eclissi totale del 21 gennaio, visibile come un puntino bianco sulla superLuna rossa. l'impatto è avvenuto alle 6:41 (ora italiana) del mattino del 21 gennaio, quando l'eclissi aveva raggiunto la totalità e sulla Luna erano puntati centinaia di telescopi. Il flash, appena percettibile e facilmente confondibile con un difetto video o con il passaggio di un aereo, è stato ripreso da almeno 3 telecamere diverse in Marocco, California e in Pennsylvania, confermando quindi che non si è trattato di un fenomeno locale.  Link:

Français Anglais Modèle de Traduction - échantillons de traduction en Français - Anglais

Dans son rapport annuel publié ce mardi, l'ONG Transparency International dénonce les atteintes aux contre-pouvoirs dans les États-Unis du président Donald Trump. Chaque année depuis 1995, Transparency International, organisation non-gouvernementale basée à Berlin,  classe près de 200 pays en fonction de leur niveau perçu de corruption . Cette année, pour la première fois depuis 2011, les États-Unis glissent pour la première fois hors du top 20 des pays où la perception de la corruption est la moins aigüe avec un score de 71 sur 100 (en baisse de 4 points). Comme les années précédentes, le classement reste dominé par le Danemark et la Nouvelle-Zélande, avec respectivement 88 et 87 points sur 100. La France est 21e avec un score de 72 sur 100, juste au-dessus... des États-Unis. En bas de la liste, la Somalie, la Syrie et le Soudan du Sud n'obtiennent qu'entre 10 et 13 points sur 100. * In its annual report released on Tuesday, Transparency International condemned

Sample Spanish - English Translations - MUESTRAS DE TRADUCCÓN PARA ESPAÑOL - INGLÉS

La senadora Kamala Harris ha anunciado este lunes su intención de competir por la candidatura demócrata con vistas a las elecciones presidenciales de 2020. Harris  ha aprovechado el simbolismo de la celebración del día de Martin Luther King,  festivo en  Estados Unidos , en recuerdo de este activista que luchó por los derechos civiles Senator Kamala Harris announced Monday her intention to compete for the Democratic candidacy for the 2020 presidential election. Harris took advantage of the symbolism of the Martin Luther King Day celebration in the United States, in memory of this activist who fought for civil rights. "Presento mi candidatura a presidenta de Estados Unidos (...) Amo a mi país y este  es un momento en el que siento la responsabilidad de luchar por quienes somos",  indicó Harris, de 54 años, en un vídeo transmitido por las redes sociales. "I present my candidacy for President of the United States (...) I love my country and this is a time when I

Sample German - English Translation - Beispielübersetzungen Deutsch - Englisch

Donald Trump  will heute das Pentagon besuchen, um über eins seiner Lieblingsthemen zu sprechen: militärische Aufrüstung. Konkret geht es um neue Raketen, die seine Generäle in den kommenden Jahren bei der Rüstungsindustrie bestellen wollen, Abwehrsysteme, Satelliten, und, und. Der Termin im Verteidigungsministerium dürfte für den Präsidenten eine willkommene Abwechslung und Ablenkung sein. Denn der Machtkampf mit den Demokraten im Kongress um die Mauer, der Shutdown und die Russlandermittlungen lähmen ihn. link: Donald Trump wants to visit Pentagon today to talk about one of his favourite themes: military armament. Specifically, it is about rockets that his generals want to order from defence industry in the coming years, defence system, satellites etc.  The appointment in defence ministry might be a welcome alternation or distraction for President.

Some Translation Patterns

Dear Reader, I want to tell some about myself. I have graduated from Latin language and literature. As everyone interested in languages knows Latin is categorized as a dead language. So, you don’t have wide opportunities to practise or to test it whether you learn it right or false. At least, it was so when i was studying at university. Although the situation is a little easier and more different, the same difficulties are in question now,too. On this blog, i will try to show my translation talents to prove my competency in some latin derived languages and also in German and naturally in English. I am Turkish man living in İstanbul. I am looking for translation and city guidance jobs. If you are interested in buying one or both services, i’d be happy to work with you. Even you read it for your interest, it would also be a pleasure to attract your attention. Also you will find Turkish texts with their translations of course. Briefly, my study method is based on bilingual texts. I